Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities

Elijah and the Widow Bible Lesson and Crafts for Sunday School


Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson from www.daniellesplace.com


The Widow Makes Elijah Bread


(1 Kings 17:7-16) In this lesson your children act out the story as it is being told. They then use the actions to review the story.

The following Bible crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson Elijah and the widow. A complete Lesson is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant digital download.

Members Member's Lesson - Elijah and the Widow

Instant Digital Download - Instant download Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson



Say a Rhyme While Kneading Bread

Have the children line up in a row. As you say the rhyme have a child knead the bread. At the end of the rhyme, he should go to the end of the line and the next child starts to knead the bread at the beginning of the rhyme.

Kneading Dough Activity

"The Widow Kneads Some Bread"
by Carolyn Warvel

One, two, God loves you!
Three, four, do it some more.
Five, Six, knead and mix.
Seven, eight, God is great!
Nine, ten, say amen!
Do it again.

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Decorate a Napkin to Place in a Bread Basket

Bread Basket and Biscuit Recipe Craft for Elijah and the Widow Bible Lesson on Danielle's Place - www.daniellesplace.com


What you will need:

White Paper Towels or White Material or Cotton Craft Napkins

Bread Baskets (Buy them at your local dollar store or second-hand store.)

Markers - If you are using fabric, use Marvy Fabric Markers, Highlighter Markers work great on paper towels or material.

White Card Stock



How to Make the Napkins:

1. Before class print out the biscuit recipe cards and cut them apart.

Members Member's Lesson - Elijah and the Widow

Instant Digital Download - Instant download Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson

2. In class have your children decorate paper towels, white napkins, or white pieces of material with fabric markers.

3. When they are finished have them place their napkins in their baskets. You can also place a piece of plastic wrap over the napkin to protect any food from the ink.

4. Give each child a biscuit recipe card to place in their baskets.

5. If you can, make biscuits with your children. Serve them hot with butter and send some home in the baskets. If you can't make biscuits, just bring some to class give some to your children to eat and some to take home in their baskets.

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I LOVE your website. It has been a lifesaver. I didn't subscribe until recently and it's something I wish I had done a long time ago. I love the ABC lessons. I am going to work on them with my 4 1/2 year old son. He can learn about his abc's some more (recognition and writing) and also learn more about God. This has been the best investment for me. Tracy Williams



Paper Plate Bread Basket with Different Types of Bread

Bread Basket Craft

1. Before class print out the Bible verse pattern and the different types of bread pattern.

Members Member's Lesson - Elijah and the Widow

Instant Digital Download - Instant download Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson

2. Cut a paper plate in half and use the two halves for the front of two different baskets.


3. Cut half of the center circle out of another paper plate to make the back of the basket. Glue the back and front together to make the basket.

4. In class have the children color the baskets cut out the different types of bread, and place the breads in the basket.

5. To finish glue the Bible verse patterns onto the front of the basket.



Elijah and the Widow Coloring Sheet

Elijah and the Widow Coloring Sheet from www.daniellesplace.com

Children color the picture of the widow making bread for Elijah and talk about the lessons as they work.

Members Member's Lesson - Elijah and the Widow

Instant Digital Download - Instant download Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson



Make a Bible Cookbook with Recipes to Reinforce the Lessons About Elijah

Each recipe in the Bible Cookbook relates to a part of the story of Elijah and has a scripture reference so that children and parents can look up the verses to review the story.

Members Member's Lesson - Elijah and the Widow

Instant Digital Download - Instant download Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson

Elijah Bible Cookbook from www.daniellesplace.com

1. King Ahab's Crown- (Sugar cookies cut into crown shapes. Ice and decorate them with candy confetti and small pieces of candy.) King Ahab was an evil king. He worshipped idols, 1 Kings 16:29-33

2. Runner's Snack - (Gorp) Elijah runs away and hides from King Ahab, 1 Kings 17:2-4

3. Ravens - Made with chocolate wafers and candy corn beak

4. Raven's Food - (Made from won ton wraps) The ravens fed Elijah at the Kerith Brook. 1 Kings 17:6

5. Dried Earth - (Cookies with crack on the top) It did not rain, the Kerith Brook dried up and the earth looked cracked and dry, 1 Kings 17:7

6. Widow's Bread - (Easy to make biscuits) The widow used the last of her flour and oil to make bread for Elijah, 1 Kings 17:8-16

7. Elijah's Altar - (Dough formed into rock shapes, with Chow Mein noodle wood and fire on top) Elijah built an altar with 12 stones, 1 Kings 18:31

8. Clouds - (Coconut Macaroon cookies) Elijah sent his servant to go look for signs of rain seven times. On the seventh time he came back and said he saw a cloud the size of a hand in the sky. 1 Kings 18:44

9. Rain Drops - (Cookies formed into rain drop shapes) After God sent fire to burn up the offering, wood, altar, and the ground around the altar, God sent rain.

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Kitchen Experimentation

Set up different stations in which the children measure, weigh, smell, taste, and experiment. Before class decide which of the following activities you will use. Write up a worksheet using the following questions or make up your own. Older children can go from station to station and fill out their worksheets as they go. If you have younger children, just have helpers at different stations to ask the children the questions and help them measure and pour.

1. How many cups of water are in the bottle? Set out a bottle filled with water. Pre-measure the water so that it equals a cup or 1/2 cup or a measurement the children can identify. Provide a measuring cup, funnel, and another container that the children can use to pour the water into.

2. Which bottle has more water? Put different amounts of water in two different jars (use plastic containers) that are different widths. You can add food coloring to make it more interesting. The child should look at the jars and decide which jar he thinks has more water. Provide measuring cups for the children to pour out the water to see which one actually has more water.

3. Which one weighs more? Fill two different containers with different types of food such as nuts and raisins. Have the children pick up the containers and decide which one is heavier and then weigh each container.

4. What spices are in the bottles? Bring in different spices that the children can identify such as cinnamon, onion powder, ginger, garlic, etc. Cover up the labels. Let the children smell them and see if they can guess what the spices are.

5. Which is salt and which is sugar? Fill one container with salt and one with sugar. Let the children study the container to see if they can guess which is which?

6. How many tablespoons fit in a container? Bring in a bowl of sugar and a small container. Have the children guess how many tablespoons of sugar with fit in the small container. Have the children measure tablespoons of sugar into the small container to see how close their guess was.

©2006, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information



Make Bread Like the Widow

Elijah and the Widow Bread Making Activity from www.daniellesplace.com

Before class prepare some yeast bread and let it rise. (Or buy the pre-made bread dough and thaw it out before class.)

In class give each child a handful of bread dough.

Let them shape their dough the way they would like. Let the dough rise for half an hour.

Bake the bread dough during the lesson.

If you don't have an oven in church, you can have the children help you make some bread from scratch. Show them how to knead the bread.

Give them each a handful in a plastic bag and tell them they can take it home and bake it. Write the Bible verse on the outside of the bag and the directions on how to bake the bread.

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