Armor of God - Breastplate of Righteousness
Children's Sermon or Bible Lesson with Bible Crafts and Actvities for the Breastplate of Righteouseness Armor of God Bible Theme
The following crafts and activities are from the Armor of God Breastplate of Righteousness on The Resource Room and is also available as an instant digital download.
Breastplate of Righteousness Armor of God Coloring Sheet
1. Before class print out the activity sheets and make copies.
Breastplate of Righteousness Costume Craft
What you will need:
Cardstock (Heavy Paper)
Crayons or Markers
Material Ties
What to do:
1. Before class print out the Breastplate patterns, cut them out, and tape and glue them together. (These patterns will fit an adult or older child. If you have younger children print them out at 80% or 90%.)
2. In class have your children color the breastplate and draw a picture to show someone being righteous.
Play "Find the Breastplate" Game

What you will need:
Sticky Notes
What to do:
1. Before class print out the breastplate game boards. (Five different printable patterns are available to members on The Resource Room, below.)
2. Cover the breastplate game board with sticky notes. You may have to double the papers so that the image doesn't show through.
3. In class take turns asking your students questions starting with, "Would you be wearing the Breastplate of righteousness if . . ."
If a student answers correctly, he or she gets to remove a sticky note to try and find the picture of the breastplate hidden behind one of the sticky notes. If the breastplate is found before everyone has had a chance to play, use another game board. (Each game board is different.)
Armor of God Breastplate - Made from a Grocery Bag
What you will need: Paper Grocery Bags, Silver Poster Board or Silver Paint, Tape or Glue, and Scissors
How to make:
1. Cut a 5" hole in the middle bottom of a grocery bag. Cut a line from the hole up the middle of one of the longer sides of the grocery bag to the top of the bag. Cut 5" armholes at the bottom side of each bag.
2. Cut 3" x 4" rectangles from the silver poster board. Round off one of the 3" sides. This will be the bottom of the pieces.
3. Tape the pieces onto the front and back of the grocery bag starting at the bottom. Tape or glue a row all the way across overlapping as you go. Tape another row on top of that one over lapping the bottom row. Keep adding rows until the back and front are covered. You may want to paint the top and side to match the front and back.
Copyright 2005, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
Sing “I’m in the Lord’s Army
March to a Military Chant
Tell the children that they are in the Lord’s Army and they are going to practice marching. Start by counting one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, etc. until all the children are marching at the same pace. Act like a drill sergeant. Tell them to stand tall, face forward, lift their feet up high, and look proud to be in the Lord’s army. Then tell them to repeat after you the following lines. Once they get the rhythm and words, you can have them march in a circle.
We are Christians passing by, (We are Christians passing by)
We will hold our heads up high. (We will hold our heads up high)
We don’t steal and we don’t lie. (We don’t steal and we don’t lie)
“Stand for the truth” is our cry. (Stand for truth is our cry.)
God is God of earth and sky. (God is God of earth and sky.)
On God’s words, we can rely. (On God’s words we can rely.)
For our sins, we know he died. (For our sins, we know he died.)
We’ll stick with him by and by. (We’ll stick with him by and by.)
© Copyright, Carolyn Warvel