Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2025 Crafts and Activities
Craft and Activity Recommendations for a Fun Vacation Bible School
Magnify VBS Theme 2025
Engage children in celebrating the greatness of the Lord and exalting His name through these exciting and budget-friendly crafts and activities perfect for Children's Ministry and Vacation Bible School. Each craft is easy to prepare and reinforces a Bible truth. This download includes four activities: the Folding Craft Stick Canvas, the Magnifying Glass Activity Sheet, the Bible Verse Ball-in-the-Hole Game, and the Dandelion Display Craft. Patterns are available in KJV, NIV, and CSB, allowing you to choose the versions that best suit your needs.
These downloads are available to members on the Resource Room (below) and as an instant digital download. See more details below.
"Magnify His Name" Folding Craft Stick Craft
Children will love creating these fan-folding canvases. Each craft utilizes nine jumbo craft sticks and a sheet of paper. A pattern for both sides is available. The front says, "Magnify His Name," and the back has a Bible verse from Psalm 23:3, "Proclaim the Lord's Greatness . . ." available in KJV, NIV, and CSB versions.
It’s best to prepare the canvases in advance. Simply glue the two patterns onto the craft sticks and cut between every other craft stick on both sides so the canvas can be fan-folded into a stack of sticks. During class, children color the designs with markers or colored pencils, fold the sticks, and if desired, secure them with ribbons. This craft is an excellent choice for large groups, as each project costs less than fifty cents.
Instant Digital Download - - Includes the first four crafts for "Magnify His Name" on this page.
Magnify His Name Activity Sheet
Children are invited to magnify God's name with this engaging activity sheet, available in three different Bible versions, CSB, KJV and NIV. This resource is a wonderful way to explore the incredible nature of God's creation, highlighting that even the tiniest creatures point to His glory. Encourage your children to grab a magnifying glass and delve into the beautiful complexities of the smallest of God's creations, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
To complete this craft, children color the patterns and then attach the wheel to the back of the sheet. As they turn the wheel, the words "Magnify His Name" become bigger and bigger.
Instant Digital Download - - Includes the first four crafts for "Magnify His Name" on this page.
Ball-in-the-Hole Bible Game Craft
Here's a great craft for VBS that costs less than thirty cents per craft. Children will have a blast making this engaging, old-fashioned game inspired by the "Magnify His Name" theme! Using a clear plastic cup with a lid, they design the center of a flower, then punch holes in the design. They can customize the game by coloring the wooden balls to look like insect bodies. After gluing their design to the cup's lid, the cup is placed upside-down on top. To enrich the experience, a flower-shaped pattern featuring the Bible verse from Psalm 34:3 is glued to the bottom of the cup.
When finsihed, children will enjoy the challenge of getting all the balls into the holes and reviewing the Bible verse by reading the words on the flower petals as they turn the game around. It's an entertaining way to learn and reflect!
Materials needed: Clear Plastic Containers with Lids, 3/8" Wooden Balls, Hole Punch, Card Stock Paper, Scissors, Glue, Colored Pencils or Markers
Instant Digital Download - - Includes the first four crafts for "Magnify His Name" on this page.
Dandelion Viewing Cup Craft and Learning Activity with Bible Verse

Your students will delight in creating these dandelion viewing cups and watching as they open to reveal their magical soft heads before their eyes. Have your students bring in dandelion heads that have not opened yet or take them out into a field to collect them. Have them place the dandelion head in clear plastic containers with lids in class. The head will open in a day or two. Have your students document their progress using cameras and a journal.
The Bible verse circle patterns, Psalm 34:3, which are placed in the container, are available to members and as a digital download in KJV, NIV, and CSB.
Instant Digital Download - - Includes the first four crafts for "Magnify His Name" on this page.
Discovering God's Amazing World Journal
Children discover God's amazing creation through his word and through nature. This journal enables children to look closer at his creation using a magnifying glass and found objects. They glue natural objects to one page and then study them through their magnifying glasses. They draw and write what they see on the corresponding Bible verse pages. The cover of the journal provides a place to store their magnifying glass and includes a Bible verse from Romans 1:20. This craft is available in KJV, NIV, and CSB.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
Instant Digital Download - CSB
Decorations for Magnify VBS
Transform your classroom into a vibrant hub of nature! Your students will be captivated as they create dandelion chains and witness the enchanting moment when the flowers open to reveal their delicate, fluffy heads.
Encourage each student to bring in dandelion heads that have yet to bloom. With a needle and sturdy thread, they can connect the heads to craft beautiful chains. Alternatively, they can place the heads in jars or clear containers and observe how they bloom over a day or two. This hands-on experience not only sparks curiosity but also allows students to document their excitement through photos and journals. Let’s make learning come alive!
Insect Craft Pages
Ant Crafts Page, Bug and Insect Crafts Page, Bee Crafts, Butterfly, Caterpillar, Butterfly and Inchworm Crafts, Butterfly Crafts 2, Butterfly Crafts 3, Dragonfly Crafts, Fly Crafts, Firefly Crafts 1, Firefly Crafts, Bug Crafts, Grasshopper Crafts, Ladybug Crafts, Spider Crafts
Flower Craft Pages
Flower and Plant Crafts Page 1, Flower Crafts Page 2
More Craft Ideas for Magnify VBS
Magnify Day 1 - Jesus and the Children - Magnify God's Care - ( John 1:1-3,12, Mark 10:13-16)
For more ideas for this theme see "Jesus Has Time for Me Bible Crafts"
Magnify Day 2 - Jesus Calmed the Storm - Magnify God - (Mark 4:1,35-41)
Wind and Wave Wind Sock Craft
See Bible Crafts "Jesus Calms the Storm Page" and "Jesus Walks on Water Page".
Magnify Day 3 - Woman at the Well - Magnify God's Love - (John 4:1-42)
Magnify Day 4 - Nicodemus Helps Prepare Jesus' Body - Magnify God's Forgiveness - (John 3:1-21; 18-20; 1 Corinthians 15:6)
Magnify Day 5 - Jesus Taught about Worry - Magnify God's Faithfulness - (Matthew 6:25-34) - Don't Worry Cupcake Liner Bible Craft
True North Group VBS - 2025
Otter Craft - See the Otter Crafts Page
Bear Crafts - See the Bear Crafts Page
Crab Crafts - See the Crab Crafts Page
Moose Crafts - See the Moose Crafts Page
Beach Theme VBS 2024
Folding Craft Stick Canvas Coloring Craft
Children will love folding and unfolding the craft sticks to reveal the picture and Bible verse on both sides. Each craft takes nine jumbo craft sticks, a sheet of card stock (Heavy Paper), and a ribbon (Optional), which will cost you less than twenty-fives cents per craft. The completed craft measures 6" x 6 1/2".
Includes three different patterns for Jumbo Craft sticks
1. Complete Bible Verse - Romans 12:2
2. Jesus is My Rock! Saying
3. "Learn About God" paraphrase of Romans 12:2 for preschool children.
(If you would like a specific Bible verse, picture or your church name a craft, just let us know and we will make it for you.)
Instant Digital Download - - NIV and CSB - All three patterns.
For best results prepare the craft ahead of time. Glue the pictures to the back and front of nine craft sticks. Use an Exacto knife to cut in between the craft sticks so that the crafts sticks fan fold up into a pile.
Jesus is My Rock VBS Pool Noodle Craft with Whale and Seal
Here's a great, cheap and easy craft for a beach-themed VBS. Children color and insert the seal on a rock into the pool noodle, and cut slits in paper to make the water that is spouting out of the whale. The whale and water are glued to a drinking straw and inserted into the pool noodle. To finish, children glue the "Jesus is My Rock!" label onto the pool noodle and add ocean-themed stickers. You can make about 20 pool noodle crafts from one $3.00 pool noodle and purchase 3000 fish stickers for $6.99 on Amazon.
Nine Bible Verse and VBS-themed Kite Patterns
Children can design their own kites or use one of the designs provided. These kits actually fly and are very cheap to make. They only take a sheet of legal-sized paper, string, tape, and drinking straws.
What you will need:
Scotch Tape
Hole Punch
Skinny Straws
Colored Paper
Kite String and Wood Craft Sticks
Highlighters Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils or Markers
How to Make the Paper Kites:
1. Print out the patterns onto legal-size paper (8.5" x 14"). Select the legal-size paper setting and "fit print to page" when printing.
2. Cut out around the edge of the printed patterns and fold them in half on the dotted line.
3. Have your children color the patterns with highlighter markers, crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
4. Fold the two flaps out on the dotted lines so that the picture is visible and comes together in the middle. Tape the kite down the center with scotch tape.

5. Put pieces of tape over the two smaller circles on the under side of the kite and use a hole punch to punch a hole through the paper. Tie one end of the kite string through the hole. Wind the other end of the string around craft sticks.
6. Punch a hole in the larger circles near the fold, stick a plastic straw through the hole and center it on the kite. Tape the straw to the underside of the kite. This will keep the kite from bending. Instead of punching more holes, you could just tape the straw to the top of the kite.
7. Cut an 8-inch circle from another sheet of paper. Cut the circle into a snake shape (start cutting around the outside of the circle about 3/4" from the outside and go around and around until you reach the center). Tape one end of the snake to the bottom of the kite for a tail.
Watch a video of how to make the kites and watch them fly.
Kite Patterns with Bible Verses Include:
- Soar to New Heights with Jesus! Cross Kite Pattern
- "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." Eagle Kite Pattern
- "Look up at the sky and count the stars." Star Kite Pattern
- "Look, he is coming with the clouds" Sun and Cloud Kite Pattern
- "Let Your light shine before others" Bee and clouds Kite Pattern
- "Learn about God. choose to obey." Water and Whale Kite Pattern
- "Learn about God. choose to obey." Seal, Fish, Birds, and Sea Kite Pattern
- "Bee Kind" Bee and Flowers Kite Pattern
- "New Life!" Butterfly Kite Pattern
- And a Design-Your-Own Blank Kite Pattern
Instant Download Pattern with Bible verses -
(If you would like a specific Bible verse, picture or your church name a kite design, just let us know and we will make it for you.)
Camping Theme 2024
Cokesbury VBS - Children learn to trust God through this camping theme VBS that includes camp fires, camp counselors, and Lu firefly puppet mascot.
Bible Stories
Session 1: God Goes with Jacob (Genesis 28:10-22)
Session 2: Ruth Chooses to Go (Ruth 1)
Session 3: Young Jesus Shares Wisdom (Luke 2:41-52)
Session 4: Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)
Session 5: The Good News Sparks Joy (Acts 8:26-40)
Firefly Crafts and Activities on This Site:
Teaching Concept: God gave fireflies the ability to produce light called bioluminescence. We also produce light when Jesus lives in us. Jesus takes away the darkness in our hearts and replaces it with love and light. That light grows brighter the more our faith grows. The more we study God's word, pray, and follow Jesus' example, the more people will recognize Jesus working through us. Soon we have a living light that isn't easily extinguished or turns on and off when our circumstances change. Check out this lesson on the Faith Bible Lesson Page.
Move Firefly or Lightning Bug Crafts
Firefly Crafts for Kids including: Firefly Paper Bag Puppet, Glowing Firefly Craft, Firefly with Moving Wings Craft, and "You Were Meant to Shine" Firefly Activity Sheet.
Firefly Paper Plate Craft - Use two six-inch paper plates to make these adorable fireflies to decorate your room.
Session 1: God Goes with Jacob (Genesis 28:10-22)
Jacob's Dream Bible Activity Sheet - Reinforce the Bible lesson with this easy-to-make activity sheet with Jacob dreaming and the angels ascending the ladder.
Jacob's Ladder Craft Stick Bible Craft - Use this craft to review the Bible lesson.
Session 2: Ruth Chooses to Go (Ruth 1) - Ruth and Naomi Bible Crafts
Session 4: Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) - Jesus Calms the Storm Crafts and Jesus Walks on Water
Australia-themed VBS Crafts - 2024
Kangaroo Crafts Page - Kangaroo Planter Craft, 3D Messenger Kangaroo Craft, Kangaroo Stuffed Toy, Little Joey Paper Plate Craft.
Australia Crafts for Kids Page - Sugar Glider Craft, Australian Rainstick Craft, Wombat Paper Plate Craft, and a Platypus Paper Bag Puppet Craft.
Australia Day Crafts - Australian Dot Art Printables, "I Love Australia" Joey Waving an Australian Flag Craft, Mother Kangaroo with Joey Holding Australian Flag 3D Paper Craft, and Australian Flag Printables in Three Sizes
Southwest-Themed VBS 2022
Quail Crafts - Paper Circle Quail, Covey of Quail Paper Craft, Paper Plate Quail, and Quail Paper Bag Puppet
Tortoise Crafts - Paper Plate Tortoise
Lizard Crafts - Bubble Wrap Gecko Craft
Armadillo Crafts - Armadillo Arm Band Craft, Nine-Banded Paper Armadillo Craft and Toy, Three-banded Armadillo Paper Craft
Snake Crafts Page - Paper Cup Snake Puppet, Bubble Wrap Snake Craft, Snake Bracelet Craft, and Paper Spiral Snake Craft
Cactus Crafts Page - Cactus Stamping Art Activity, Cactus Rock Balancing Learning Activity and Game, and Prickly Pear Cactus Stem Shape Study And Art Activity
Runninig Roadrunner Activity and Coloring Sheet for Children
Southwest VBS Theme - Group's Monumental VBS for 2022
"Rocky Railroad" 2020 VBS by Group Recommended Crafts
Go to Group for more information about this VBS
Use this paper train as a Bible verse review game, hands-one learning activity, and a craft. This craft and learning activity is available to members on The Resource Room and as an instant download.
Member's - Patterns and Directions
Instant Digital Download - $2.00
Train Learning Activities
Bible Verse Review Game 1
All the train pieces connect to make a moveable train. Set up train tracks and place Bible verse cards at different locations along the track. Have your children move the train along the track and pick up and place the Bible verse cards in the matching train car.
Bible Verse Review Game 2
Place the train with all the cars connect on a table in front of your children. Give each child a Bible verse card. Tell your children to read the verse on the card and place the card in the train they think matches the Bible verse.
Bible Verse Review Game 3
Give each child a Bible verse card to take home and memorize. When a child thinks he knows the Bible verse, and says it correctly, let him place his Bible verse card in the correct train car. Give children a new Bible verse card each week, and add a new car to the train each week.
Train Craft and Display
Have each student make one train car to add to the train. You can have them write prayers on cards and then place them in the train cars. Children can write their names on their train cars and when they memorize a Bible verse, they can place something in their own train car.
We would love to hear how you plan to use this craft and activity.
Fan-folded Train Craft and Learning Activity
"Knights of North Castle" 2020 VBS by Cokesbury
Go to Cokesbury for more information on this VBS program.
"Roar!" 2019 VBS by Group Recommend Crafts
"In the Wild" VBS by Lifeway Recommended Crafts:
Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2018 Crafts and Activities
See Sports-themed Crafts and Learning Activities
Also See Bible Crafts Mini Golf Courses
Go to Shipwrecked VBS Craft Ideas Page
Go to River Adventure VBS Craft Ideas Page
Moose VBS Craft Ideas - Go to the Moose Crafts Page
Polar VBS Craft Ideas
See Penguin Crafts Page, Snowflake Crafts Page, and Walrus Craft Page
Great Crafts for Any VBS
Foil Cross Craft
Cheap and easy to make, Foil Tape Cross Crafts make a great VBS activity. A 50 yard roll of foil tape will make 144 crosses. One cross costs less than 35 cents!.
Have children write their names on the cross to remind them that Jesus died for them.
Note - Children will want to make more than one of these so make lots of extras.
Make up lots of samples and so children picture of different designs they may want to incorporate into their own design.
Go to the Cross Crafts Page for directions and a supply list for this craft.
(This craft is appropriate for children first through fifth grade.)
Watch a "View it and Do it" video on how to make this craft:
Bible Verse Folding Craft Sticks Canvas

These folding craft stick canvases can be used for many different purposes. The stick canvas folds up into a compact pile of sticks and unfolds again to reveal the art work.
Children of all ages will enjoy working with these. Younger children can use markers to draw pictures of what they are learning about. They can make gifts with special messages to give to their neighbors and friends.
Older children can write Bible verses and decorate the canvases with permanent markers. These would make great gifts for prison ministry or shut-ins.
The craft stick canvases are very cheap and easy to make, but do take some preparation. I would suggest that they are taped together by adults before class. Children will have difficulty taping them correctly and lining up the sticks so they are straight. Go to the Books of the Bible Craft Page for directions.
©2012, Digital by Design, Inc. -*See Copyright Information
Watch our "View it and Do it Craft" video on how to make the folding craft stick canvases.
No-Tape, Folding Craft Stick Bible Verse VBS Activity with Free Printable Pattern
Here's another version of the folding craft stick card, but this one takes a little less preparation and is a little cheaper. Prepare the canvases before your VBS because the glue takes about half an hour to an hour to dry, and you need to use a X-acto knife or box cutter to cut between the craft sticks. Each craft takes only 7 mini-jumbo craft sticks, a sheet of card stock, ribbon, and markers.
Watch a "View it and Do it Craft!" Video that shows how to make this craft below. You can also go to the Father's Day Craft Page for complete directions.
One-Paper Kite Craft and Activity for VBS
Lift Jesus higher with these easy-to-fly kites. They are super easy, cheap, and creative. Children of all ages will enjoy designing their own kites and trying to get their kites to fly the highest.
Go to the Spring Crafts for Kids Page for directions, printable patterns, and a "View it and Do it" Craft Video.
Made by God - Groups 2017 VBS Craft and Activities Ideas
See Created by God - Group 2017 VBS Ideas Page.
Under the Sea, Ocean or Beach-themed VBS Crafts Crafts, Games and Decorations
Paper Cup Fish Puppets or Toys
Prepare the paper cup fish before your VBS event. Each fish takes less than a minute to assemble. Children of all ages, even preschool children will love decorating their fishes with stickers and googly eyes.
This is a preschool-tested craft! Check out a video of a 2-year-old making this craft with his dad on Logan's Life.
Paper cup fish puppets make great crafts for preschool and kindergarten children. Not only are is there no mess, but they are cheap and to make. Young children love using stickers to decorate things, and they will love playing with the finished puppets because they can move the tail up and down to make the fish look like they are swimming. Go to the Under the Sea Crafts Page for directions and a "View it and Do it! Craft Video.
Crab Holding Bible Verse or Note Card Craft

Children of all ages will love making pool noodle crabs.
One $5.00, 3 1/4" x 50" pool noodle will make 50 crabs! That's only 10 cents for each crab, not including the eyes, and Chenille stems. They can easily be made for less than twenty cents each.
Have your children place a Bible memory verse card in the crabs claws to remind them to memorize their verse, or have your them write a kind note to give to a friend or neighbor.
You can find directions and a video on how to make this craft on the Crab Crafts and Learning Activities Page.
Crab Paper Plate Craft

Use this craft to teach children about crabs or as a decoration for an ocean-themed VBS.
This craft is great for children 3rd through 5th grade. There is quite a bit of cutting and gluing involved.
A Bible verse card can be placed in the crab's claws to help children to remember to study their Bible verse.
You can find directions and a video on how to make this craft on the Crab Crafts and Learning Activities Page.
Fish Craft

Craft Stick Fish make great Vacation Bible School crafts because they cost only pennies to make, allow room for creativity, and can be adapted to many age levels. Pre-assemble them for preschool children, and let older children use the printable template to assemble their own.
Supply a variety of decorative items such as stickers, tissue paper, glitter glue, sequins, etc. and let your children pick what they want to use to decorate their fish.
Crayons, markers, kid's paint, and colored pencils can all be used to color the sticks.
Watch a "View it and Do it! video on Youtube:
You can find printable patterns and directions on the Under-the-Sea Crafts Page and the Jesus Crafts Page.
Ocean-themed Starfish Decorations

3D Paper Starfish are so easy and fun to make that you will want to make lots!
All you need is card stock, water color paint, and glitter glue and you're ready to go.
Printable patterns are available on the Under the Sea Crafts Page with a View it and Do it! Craft video that will show you how to make them.
With a tip on how to make your own water color paint and save money.
Water Bottle Fish and Bible Verse Memorization Activity for VBS
Children place tissue paper pieces, sequins, glitter and pieces of paper with words from the Bible verse in a water bottle, and then decorate the water bottle to look like a fish. When they are done making the fish play a search and find game. Tell your children to move the water bottle fish around until the find he first word of the Bible verse, keep moving the bottle until they find all the words in order to spell out the verse. The child who finds all the words in order first wins.
You can find directions to this craft on the "Go Fish" Sample Bible Lesson and watch the "View it and Do it" craft video below.
Crab Claw Craft and Learning Activity

Children will love experimenting with their crab claws. You can use this as a craft for older children or make some before class and just have your children practice picking things up like crabs. Use them to play relay races to see which team is the most crab like.
If you have younger children have them use two hand to operate the claw.
You can find directions and printable patterns for this craft on the Crab Crafts and Learning Activity Page.
3D Sea Turtle Craft and Decoration

Use this 3D sea turtle as a craft or decoration for your sea-themed VBS.
The sea turtles are very easy to make. Just cut, color and glue the pieces together. Pre-cut the pattern pieces before class to save on time.
Use colored card stock and add highlight and shadows with colored pencils for a quick and cheap sea turtle decoration. Tape them to walls to add to your sea scape scene.
Each sea turtles uses two pieces of card stock and a little glue so they cost less than ten cents to make.
You can find a printable pattern, a supply list, direction and a "View it and Do it! Craft video on our Under-the-sea Craft Page.
Sea Turtle Craft made with Bubble Wrap

Here's a fun, cheap and easy craft that children of all ages will enjoy. Cut bubble wrap in the shape of the fins, head and body. Have children roll different colors of paint onto the bubble wrap shapes and then press it onto the sea turtle picture.
To finish have them write the Bible verse on the paper.
For more detailed directions to this craft and a printable pattern see the Under-the-Sea Crafts Page.
Memory Cross-Bible Verse Craft and Memorization
Here is a great way for your students to memorize Bible verses. This origami cross can be folded over and over changing shapes and showing a different part of the Bible verse each time. Your children will find that it is hard to stop using them once they start. Memory Cross offers Bible verses that go along with many of the most popular Vacation Bible School programs. They have one for the plan of salvation which would be a great witnessing tool for your VBS. They also have many other Bible verse packages you can pick from. If they don't have what you want, you can custom order them. Or you can order blank ones and have your children make their own. (See the pictures below.)

Great Craft for any VBS Program!
This origami craft is fun to play with and educational at the same time. It is designed so that each time it is folded it shows another picture or part of a Bible verse and then keeps repeating over and over. The Memory Cross will help your children remember their Bible verses as they play. They can be used with any VBS program. Children of all ages will enjoy designing their own Memory Crosses. The small Memory Crosses cost 40 cents each and the 7" x 7" cost 50 cents each.