VBS - Shipwrecked Theme
Crafts and Games for Shipwrecked Theme VBS
Drinking Straw Raft With Bible Verse Sail Craft

What you will need:
Regular-sized Straws and Skinny Drinking Straws for the mast, Paper, Craft Foam, Hole Punch, Chenille Stems, White Glue and a Ruler
How to Make the Drinking Straw Rafts:
1. Before class cut up drinking straws into lengths from 4" to 3 1/2". Don't make them all the same length. Cut up some other drinking straws into 4 1/2" lengths for the bottom of the raft. Cut thin drinking straws into 4 1/2" lengths to make the mast.
2. Cut craft foam into 3" x 3 1/2" squares.
3. Insert a Chenille stem into one of the mast straws. Insert the other end of the Chenille stem into the center of the craft foam square. Fold the Chenille stem up on the other side and tape it to the craft foam.
4. Print out the sail patterns and cut them apart. Punch holes at the top and the bottom of the sails.
Instant Digital Download - This pattern does not contain the Bible verse pictured. Children write their own Bible verse on the sail, or you can edit the pattern and add your own verse.
5. In class have your children glue the 4" to 3 1/2" straws onto the craft foam sheets around the mast.
6. And then turn the raft over and glue three straws in the opposite directions of the raft straws.
7. Have your children write their Bible verse on the sail and place it on the mast threading through the holes.
©2018, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
"Hold onto Jesus" Seahorse Pencil Holder Craft
What you will need:
Bright Colored Cardstock, Blue Pool Noodles, Fish Stickers or Foam Sea Creature Shapes, Iridescent Confetti (Optional), Pencils, Scissors, and Colored Pencils. (If you are using colored paper use opaque colored pencils to add color to the patterns. Test out the pencils before class. If you are using white cardstock, you can use any colored pencil or markers.)
How to Make the Seahorse Pencil Holders:
1. Print out the seahorse patterns and word labels onto cardstock and cut them out. (Patterns available to members and as an instant download below.)
2. Cut pool noodles with a serrated knife into 5-inch lengths and then cut them in half lengthwise. Place the pool noodle pieces on a table so the flat sides are against the table and stick pencils down into the pool noodles so the pencils stand up.
3. In class have your children color the seahorses and then glue the fins onto the dotted lines as shown in the picture.
4. Have your children wrap the seahorse tails around the pencils and then place the bellies of the seahorse behind the pencils and the heads in front so that the seahorses hold onto the pencils.
5. Have your children glue the labels to the front of the pool noodles and then stick fish stickers around the labels. To finish glue iridescent confetti to the pool noodles.
©2018, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Folded Paper Seashells
What you will need: Bright Colored Cardstock, Scissors, Scoring Tool or something sharp, Straight-edge Ruler, Soft Pastels or Crayons, and Glitter Glue.
How to Make the Paper Seashells:
1. Print out the seashell patterns onto cardstock and cut them out.
2. Use a scoring tool or sharp object to score all the lines on the seashell shapes.
3. Color the seashell shapes with soft pastels or crayons and then fan fold the patterns.
4. First fold all the sold lines back and then fold all the dotted lines forward.
©201 8, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Crafts on Other Pages

Use this adorable mother and baby sloth craft to make a Bible verse holder craft. Printable patterns for the heads, arms and legs are available as an instant download and to members.
Go to te Sloth Crafts Page for directions and printable patterns.
Day 1 - Luke 15 Crafts - Lost Things
Day 2 - Martha Worries and Complains
See Bible Crafts - Mary and Martha
Day 5 - Peter Heals the Lame Man