Armor of God - Shield of Faith Bible Crafts
Bible Lesson or Children's Sermon for the Shield of Faith Armor of God with Crafts and Games
The following crafts and activities come from the Shield of Faith - Armor of God Bible Lesson on The Resource Room.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
Shield of Faith - Coat of Arms Bible Craft
The patterns for this craft come in two different sizes. You can make life-sized shields using foam core board or use 8 1/2" by 11" card stock and make paper-sized shields.
1. Before class, print out the pictures and cut them out.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. In class, explain to your students that soldiers wear armor. It was hard to tell who they were because their helmets covered their faces. Soldiers started putting unique designs on their shields so that the other soldiers could tell who they were. Each soldier had a different design on their shield called a coat of arms. Different colors stood for different things. For example, blue might have stood for truth and white for peace.
They also used animals to describe themselves. An ant on a shield might mean that the soldier was a hard worker, a bear might mean that he was strong, or a camel may mean that he was patient.
3. Tell your students to think of things that are important to them, or something that might describe who they are, or what they like to do. Ask them to draw pictures on their shields to make their own coat of arms or pick from the pictures and glue them to the shield.
“Faith Shields” Activity (Older Children)

1. Give each of your students a shield with a Bible verse at the top.
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Instant Digital Download - NIV
Use the following verses: Ephesians 2:8, Matthew 10:31, Psalm 139:14, Psalm 65:2, Mark 16:16, Romans 7:24-25, and Jeremiah 29:11. (If you have more than six children, you will have to add more verses and situations.)
2. Have your students draw a picture on the shield to represent the Bible verse.
3. Tell your children that our faith in God is what protects us. The shield represents faith because it also protects. I have given each of you a shield. I am going to read some circumstances in which we may need to use our shields. If you think your shield would help in any of the following situations, hold up your shield. I will call on you to explain why you think it would help in that situation.
- You had a bad day, you tried to be a “good Christian” but you goofed up quite a few times. You begin to wonder if you really are a Christian. Ephesians 2:8
- Your mom asked you to take a tray of cookies over to the lady next door who is sick. You want to help your mom and obey her, but you are afraid of the lady because she talks really loud and is always asking you to repeat yourself. Matthew 10:31
- You hate riding the bus home from school because there is a boy who always calls you names and makes fun of you. Psalm 139:14
- Sometimes you don’t feel like praying because it doesn’t seem like God is listening. You never seem to get any answers. Psalm 65:2
- You were baptized last year, but sometimes you’re not sure whether you were really saved. Mark 16:16
- You want to be a “good Christian” but it seems too hard. Romans 7:24-25
- You worry about a lot of things, and sometimes you wake up at night afraid that something bad will happen. Jeremiah 29:11
Shield of Faith Match Game
1. Before class print out the shield cards onto card stock and cut them out.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. In class, tell your children that knights used to wear special symbols or pictures on their shields so that the other knights could recognize them. There are many symbols or pictures that remind us of Christ's life and what he has done for us.
3. Give each child a set of cards and have him or her color the pictures. Tell them to color them exactly the same because they will be playing a match game with the cards.
4. If you don't have enough cards, have your students draw pictures on the blank cards. Here are some examples:
- Cross, Dove, or Flag - (Freedom)
- Baby Jesus in a Manger - (God's Son)
- Angel - (His Angels watch over us.)
- Rock - (He Never Changes.)
- Shepherd - (He leads us and protects us.)
- Peace sign - (He gives us peace.)
- Doctor - (God heals us.)
- Bird with Wings - (He protects and shelters us like a mother bird shelters her chicks)
- Lighthouse - (He guides us and shows us the way)
- Heart - (God forgives our sins and comes into our hearts)
- Bread - (God is the bread of life)
5. When all the children are finished collecting coloring collect the shield cards and mix them up. Place the cards in rows on a table or floor. Have the children take turns turning over two shields to see if they match. If they match, they get to keep the shields. The child who collects the most wins the game.
Armor of God Shield of Faith and Sword Foil Tape Bible Craft for Sunday School
These would make a great craft for vacation Bible school. They cost less than twenty cents each to make.
What you will need:
Utensils to Engrave the Tape such as a Ballpoint Pen, Straws, the End of a Paintbrush, and the Tines of a Fork
How to Make the Foil Tape Shield and Sword:
1. Make a shield template no wider than four inches wide and five inches long with the Bible verse written in the middle. Cut out the patterns.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. Cut the foil tape into five-inch pieces and the craft foam into 4" x 5" rectangles. Peel off the backing from the tape being careful not to crease the tape. Stick the tape on the foam sheets smoothing them down so there are no bumps.
3. Place the template on the cut foil tape and trace around it using a ballpoint pen. Cut out the shield shape.
4. Engrave the foil shapes with a pen tracing over the letters on the pattern. Remove the pattern and add more engraving using other utensils.
5. To make a sword print out a sword pattern onto card stock. Make the sword wide enough to fit a craft stick in the center. Place a sword shape pattern on top of another sheet of card stock and cut it out so that you have two sword shapes. Glue a craft stick in between the two sword shapes. Use the sword blade shape to cut the shape from the foil tape so that it overlaps about 1/2 inch on all sides. Remove the backing of the tape and stick it to the sword. Cut another blade shape from the tape and stick to the back of the sword.
Copyright 2013, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
Shield and Sword Foil Tape Bible Craft for Sunday School
What you will need:
Craft Foam or Bright Colors Craft Foam
Utensils to Engrave the Tape such as a Ballpoint Pen, Straws, the End of a Paintbrush, and the Tines of a Fork
How to Make the Foil Tape Shield and sword:
1. Print out the shield pattern and cut them out.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
2. Cut the foil tape into five-inch pieces and the craft foam into 4" x 5" rectangles. Peel off the backing from the tape being careful not to crease the tape. Stick the tape on the foam sheets smoothing them down so there are no bumps.
3. Place the template on the cut foil tape and trace around it using a ballpoint pen. Cut out the shield shape.
4. Engrave the shields with a pen tracing over the letters on the pattern. Remove the pattern and add more engraving using other utensils.
5. Print out the sword pattern onto card stock.
Place the pattern paper on top of another sheet of card stock and cut it out so that you have two sword shapes. Glue a craft stick in between the two sword shapes. Use the sword blade shape to cut the shape from the foil tape so that it overlaps about one-half inch on all sides. Remove the backing of the cut tape and stick it to the sword. Cut another blade shape from the tape and stick it to the back of the sword.
Copyright 2013, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
Shield with Fiery Darts Craft and Learning Activity

What you will need:
Red Paper
Tacky Glue
How to make:
1. Follow the directions above for the shield. You can use the pattern or make other shield shapes.
2. You can also provide silver buttons and other objects that can be glued to the shields.
3. Print out the flame pattern onto red paper and cut them out.
Instant Digital Download - KJV
Instant Digital Download - NIV
4. Curl the flame patterns around the ends of toothpicks and glue them using tacky glue.
5. In class have your children think about Satan's fiery darts. Have them write things on the flames the shield of faith can protect them from such as insults, lies, envy, greed, bad names, etc. They can then stick the "fiery darts" into their shields.
Copyright 2013, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
Shield of Faith Game - (Older Children Only)
1. Before class cut a shield shape from poster board or foam core board. (You could also use the lid of a garbage can or some other large flat object.
2. Write "Shield of Faith" in the center of the shield.
3. In class ask your children to share some things that may test their faith such as "Lies about God's word", a death in the family, God not answering their prayers as they want, a tragedy, an illness, etc. Write the suggestions on pieces of paper and then wrinkle them up into a ball. Give the child who gave the suggestion the shield and have him stand about five feet away. Let the other children throw the paper ball with the words on it at the child with the shield. The child with the shield should try to avoid being hit by the paper ball by holding the shield in front of his body.
Note: You could use a small foam ball and just write the words on pieces of masking tape. Tape the words on the ball each time a child gives a suggestion.
You can also have Bible verses ready to read that would help children have faith in particular circumstances.
Copyright 2013, Digital by Design, Inc - See Copyright Information.
Sing "I'm in the Lord's Army
March to a Military Chant
Tell the children that they are in the Lord's Army and they are going to practice marching. Start by counting one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, etc. until all the children are marching at the same pace. Act like a drill sergeant. Tell them to stand tall, face forward, lift their feet up high, and look proud to be in the Lord's army. Then tell them to repeat after you the following lines. Once they get the rhythm and words, you can have them march in a circle.
We are Christians passing by, (We are Christians passing by)
We will hold our heads up high. (We will hold our heads up high)
We don't steal and we don't lie. (We don't steal and we don't lie)
"Stand for the truth" is our cry. (Stand for truth is our cry.)
God is God of earth and sky. (God is God of earth and sky.)
On God's words, we can rely. (On God's words we can rely.)
For our sins, we know he died. (For our sins, we know he died.)
We'll stick with him by and by. (We'll stick with him by and by.)
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I visit your site weekly. I always find ideas to use with my Bible preschool class. I especially enjoyed the scripture armor lessons. The lessons are so easy to adapt to the age of the children who are in my class. Sometimes I have drop in siblings and the lessons seem to keep their interest too. I' m using the Palm Sunday lesson too. Keep up the good work. I recommend your site to all my friends. Thanks, Melonie