Fruit of the Spirit Bible Lesson for Sunday School
Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 7 - Faithfulness
Squirmy the Worm learns that you have to be faithful when taking care of a plant. Children learn from the story of Daniel that when they are faithful in the little things, they will also be faithful in the bigger things.
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Instant Digital Download - - KJV
Color a Bible Verse Picture for Goodness
Kindness Bible Verse Color Sheet and Poster
Available in both color and black and white. Use the colored patterns as posters to decorate your bulletin board or the black and white as coloring sheets.
Instant Digital Download - - NIV
Instant Digital Download - - KJV
Fruit of the Spirit Pear Craft
Children glue the Fruit of the Spirit puzzle pieces together to make a pair shape.
This craft is available in both KJV using longsuffering, meekness and temperance, the NIV using forebearance. Patience is also included.
Instant Digital Download - - NIV
Instant Digital Download - - KJV
Pear-shaped Mini Book

What you will need:Yellow Paper, Green Marker or Colored Pencil, Scissors, Elmer's Paper Glue, Ruler and Pen
What to do:

1. Before class print out the pear book patterns and make copies onto yellow paper.
Instant Digital Download - - NIV
Instant Digital Download - - KJV
2. In class have your children cut out the pear shapes. If you have younger children, cut them out before class.
3. Have your children use a ruler and pen to trace over the fold lines on the pear shapes. This will make it easy for them to fold them in half.
4. Have your children fold them in half so that the printed part is on the inside, and then glue all the folded pieces back to back making a pile of folded pieces. Then glue the last folded piece to the back of the first piece to make the book circular.
Make a Faithful Dog
Dogs teach us faithfulness. We have to be faithful in feeding them everyday because they can't take care of themselves.
This craft can be used in several different ways:
1. Write words on the bones which describe ways in which we can be faithful such as: pray, read the Bible, obey, don't lie, etc. Instruct your children that when they are faithful and do one of the things written on the bones, they can feed their faithful pup the bone.
2. You can also use the dog as a Bible verse review game.
3. Print one word of the verse on each bone. Instruct your children to try and find the first word of the verse. If they find the correct word, they can feed the dog. Keep playing until all the bones are gone.
Instant Digital Download - - NIV
Instant Digital Download - - KJV
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Play Fruit of the Spirit Bingo

1. Before class print out the Bingo cards.
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Instant Digital Download - - KJV
2. Before class print out the questions pertaining the the Fruit of the Spirit lessons. Cut them apart, fold them up and put them in a lunch bag.
3. In class pass out out a Fruit-O card to each child. Tell your children that you will be asking them questions about the Fruits of the Spirit that they have studied so far. When they answer a question, they should put a marker on one of the fruits that match the answer.
4. Let your children take turns selecting pieces of paper from the paper bag.
There is more than one of each fruit on the cards so they can pick which fruit they would like to mark. They can only mark one fruit for each question though and they may not move the marker once they have placed it. The child who gets four in a row first wins.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Play "Catch the Spirit"
You will need a large, solid-color rubber ball, large balloon, or beach ball, at least a foot wide, for this game. I bought a big ball at Wal-Mart for $3.00. (Beach balls would work better because they are easier to store when you are finished.
Draw pictures of the fruits studied so far in the lessons (apples, cherries, lemons, pineapples, tomatoes, oranges, and pears) on the ball with a permanent marker.
Draw lines around the fruit pictures to enclose them in different shapes and connect them to the other fruit pictures.
In class have your children stand in a circle. Start by rolling the ball to someone. When a child catches the ball tell him to look under his right thumb to see in which space his thumb is resting. He should then say what the fruit is and what fruit of the Spirit it represents. If you have older children you can just write the name of the fruit instead of drawing pictures. Or you can write Bible verse references to the Bible verses from this series of lessons and see if the children can remember the verses.
You can also have the children throw the ball to each other, bounce the ball once on the floor before catching it, etc. You can also play like musical chairs and have the children pass the ball until the music stops. The child holding the ball should check where his thumb is setting and give the fruit of the Spirit represent by that fruit.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Make Fruit Salad
What you will need:
Fruit such as Peaches, Apples, Pears, and Bananas, Raisins, Miniature marshmallows and Cool Whip
In class have your children help you cut of the fruit into small chunks with plastic knives and place in a bowl. Add raisins, nuts, and miniature marshmallows to taste. Stir everything together with cool whip.
©2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Fruit of the Spirit Ideas from Readers:
My daughters were having a hard time (as we all do sometimes) exercising the Fruit of the Spirit. I printed off some fruit pictures and printed a Fruit of the Spirit on each one of the fruit. I then found a basket picture in a clipart program of mine and attached a small magnet to the back of it and to each of the fruit pieces and stuck it on my refrigerator. As my children exemplified a certain fruit during the day, I told them they could go to the refrigerator and place that fruit in their basket (They each had their name printed on their basket.) The goal was to see who could fill up their basket during the day. It worked very well ! Kerrie Wade
Make a Fruit of the Spirit Lapbook to go along with these lessons - 1+1+1=1 Blog has a picture and directions on how she made a lapbook using the printouts from these lessons.
Fruit of the Spirit on The Resource Room
“Fruit of the Spirit” Lesson for Older Children - Children learn about how the Holy Spirit helps us to become more like Jesus. They learn that as we grow in Christ the Holy Spirit helps us to produce fruit that is pleasing and glorifies God.