Diversity, Multi-Cultural Crafts and Activities for Children
Crafts and Activities Relating to Diveristy, Multi-Cultural Learning and Celebrating Differences
The Color of Skin Coloring Activity
Use this activity sheet to open up conversations about diversity and prejudice. Children use flesh-colored crayons to color the child pictures, decide which crayon color closest resembles their skin color, compare their skin color and their answers to questions about themselves with others to discover how all people look different, yet are much more alike than they are unalike.
This activity sheet is available to members on The Resource Room.
Instant Digital Download - - Includes both the "Skin Colors of the World Activity Sheet (above) and Diversity Children's Picture Cards (below) in color and black and white.
1. Have your children use Crayola "Colors of the World" Crayons or Multicultural Crayons to color the pictures of the children.
Buy "Colors of the World" 24 Pack from Crayola.
When they are finished coloring ask them to hold the crayon colors next to their own skin and decide which one is the closest color to their own skin. Tell the to write the name of the color on their paper.
Have them fill in the blanks describing what they like, dislike, what makes them happy and sad, and then compare their answers to their classmates. You can also have them place their fingerprint out the page and compare them with other students.
Diversity Games and Activities with "More Than Black and White" Picture Cards
More Than Black and White Diversity Children’s Picture Cards Learning Activities
Instant Digital Download - - Includes both the "Skin Colors of the World Activity Sheet (above) and the Diversity Children's Picture Cards in color and black and white.
The following activities are designed to help children recognize the great diversity of humankind. Through these activities, they will recognize a wide variety of skin tones, and realize that we aren’t really “black or white”. But most importantly, they should realize that we are more alike than we are different.
Match Game
Children study skin tones by playing a match game. As they play ask them to describe the children pictured on the cards. Print out two sets of cards for each game onto cardstock (heavy paper).
Discover Similarities and Differences
Display all the cards on a table and then ask your children to group the cards according to similarities such as male and female, the color of hair – curly, straight, wavy, length of hair, skin tone – light or darker, freckles or no freckles, etc. When you are done ask your students how they think children are the same on the inside. For example, they might say, “Most children like candy, they all want to have friends, they like to play hide and seek and they all like to win.” Ask your students how many of them like to do the things they listed. See how many things they can come up with that all the children in the class have in common.
Discover Skin Tones Using Crayola “Colors of the World” 24 Count Crayons
Have your children try to match the colors of the crayons with the children's picture cards. You can use the colored patterns or prepare the black and white patterns using Crayola "Colors of the World" crayons. When they find the matching color have them look on the crayon to find the name of the color. Ask them if any of the crayons say black or white?
Make Skin Tone Paint Samples
Before class mix up some paint using white, black, red, and brown paint to make different skin tone colors. Paint them on sheets of paper and then cut them into squares. Give sample squares to your students. In class give your children the same paint and tell them to try and mix the color to make the same skin tone. When they are done ask them which colors are closest to their skin tones.
You can also make swatches using the Crayola "Colors of the World" crayons, or use the swatches on the sides of the crayon box.
Also see "The Crayon Box That Talked" Crafts and Activities

Diversity Activities on Other Websites
Draw yourself and upload it to Crayola.com
Colors of the World Coloring and Activity Book with 24 skin tone crayons.
Colors of the World Activity Sheets from Crayola.