Noah Obeys God Bible Crafts
"Noah Obeys God" Bible Lesson Crafts and Activities
The following crafts and activities come from the Bible lesson "Noah Obeys God" on The Resource Room. In this lesson children learn that God loved Noah very much. He was a good man and did everything God told him to do exactly as he told him. With God's help, we can obey like Noah.
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Noah's Ark Craft Stick or Popsicle Stick Bible Craft Printable for Sunday School
What you will need:
White Glue
Small Animals Stickers (These work great because they are very small 1" - 2")
Foam Self-Adhesive Animal Shapes
Noah's Ark Stickers or Darice Bucket of Foamies Stickers
Pencils or Markers
How to Make the Craft Stick Noah's Ark Craft:
1. Before class prepare a sample craft and then make a template for the ark by tracing around the craft sticks.
Instant Digital Download - Includes three Bible lessons for $6.00

2. Lay out craft sticks on a piece of paper as shown in the picture above. Start by placing a regular-sized craft stick at the bottom of your paper. Add ten mini craft sticks placing them almost perpendicular to the regular-sized craft stick.
3. Place a jumbo craft stick on top of those.
4. To make the top of the ark lay two mini craft sticks on top of each other and add two more for the roof.
5. Use a marker to trace around the outside of the ark and draw lines between the sticks. Make a copy of the template. In class have your children use the template to lay out their own sticks.
6. Provide animal sticks so they can decorate their papers.
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"Noah Obeys God" Printable Activity Sheet

Children color the picture and then glue craft sticks on to the bottom of the picture that have the words from the Bible verse written on them.
What you will need:
Computer Paper or Brown Paper
Crayons or Color pencils
Mini Craft Sticks (Optional)
What to do:
1. Before class print out the printable activity sheet and make copies.
Instant Digital Download - Includes Three Bible lessons about Noah.
2. Write the Bible verse or Bible phrase on small craft sticks. If you have younger children use part of the verse and write only one word per stick. If you have older children, you can have them write the Bible verse on the stick using more than one word per stick or the teacher can prepare them before class. Make a set for each child.
3. In class have your children color the pictures and then glue the Bible verse craft sticks to the bottom of the page in order. (The picture shown was printed on brown paper and then colored with colored pencils.)
Noah Obey's God Bible Lesson
Before class print out the picture of Noah. (This picture is available in color and black and white.)
Open your Bible to Genesis, Chapter 6, and show your children where the story is found.

The Lesson
A long time ago God looked down on the earth and was very sad. He was sad because it was filled with wicked, mean people who didn’t care about anything but themselves. But there was hope. There was still one man in the whole world who still loved God and his name was Noah. (Hold up the picture of Noah.)
The Bible tells us “Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD” and that “Noah was a just man and perfect, and that he walked with God”. God loved Noah very much; but he had to do something about all the terrible people.
When Noah was 480 years old God talked to him. He told Noah that he was going to destroy the whole earth and everything in it and start all over. He told Noah that he wanted him to build a huge boat called an ark so that he could save his family and the animals. God told Noah exactly how he wanted him to make the boat. He gave him detailed instructions about how long and high, and what he should use to build the ark.
Note: Show your children an ark that is drawn to scale according to the measurements given in the Bible. “The True Story of Noah’s Ark” by Tom Dooley and Bill Looney has great pictures that will really get your children thinking about what it must have been like to build the ark and live in it. There is a preview of some of the pictures in the book on the website.
Noah listened carefully so he would remember everything God told him to do. This was going to be a big project, but Noah was a good man and he obeyed God. He did everything exactly as God told him to do it. He didn’t whine about what a big job it would be or complain about how hard it would be. No, he got out his tools and got right to work.
He sawed and he chopped and he didn’t stop. (Have your children pretend to saw and chop.) He kept working and he didn’t give up even though it was very hard work.
He sawed and he chopped and he didn’t stop. (Have your children pretend to saw and chop.) He kept working and he didn’t give up even though it would take many, many years to build the ark.
He sawed and he chopped and he didn’t stop. (Have your children pretend to saw and chop.) He kept working and he didn’t give up because he had to make the boat big enough to save his family and thousands of animals.
He sawed and he chopped and he didn’t stop until God told him the rain was about to drop. God told him to stop. Noah had done everything God told him to do exactly how he told him to do it. The boat was ready and soon it would start to rain. But where were all the animals?
We will find out next week what happens to Noah and his family.
Listening Activity (Adaptable to Any Age)
Bring in some building blocks and other toys that relate to the story, and maybe some play hammers, saws, etc. Before class write up some simple directions of things you would like the children to do with the blocks and toys. Write each set of directions on a separate sheet of paper. For example, you might say, "Place a green block on top of a square red block and then hammer on the red block five times." Make up a bunch of different directions so that you have one set for each child. Make them match your children's abilities. Place all the directions in a bag or tool belt.
Before you start this activity remind your children that God told Noah that he wanted him to build an ark so that he could save his family and the animals. God told Noah exactly how he wanted him to make the boat. Noah listened carefully so he would remember everything God told him to do. It was going to be a big project, but Noah was a good man and he obeyed God. He didn't whine and complain. He got out his tools and got right to work.
Tell your children that they are going to pretend that God is giving them some instructions like he gave Noah. They should listen carefully as you read the directions and then do exactly what you say. Let each child take a turn.
When all the children have had a turn ask them if it was easy or hard to listen and do what they were told. Ask them if they listen to their parents and teachers and do exactly what they are told to do.
If your mom asks you to clean up your room, do you do it? Do you do it well or do you just throw everything in the closet so she can't see all your stuff? Do you whine and complain and say, "I don't know what to do", or "I didn't make the mess."?
When your mom asks you to put your toys away, do you do it? Or do you start playing with something else instead? Do you think God had to ask Noah twice to build the ark? Do you think Noah started building the ark, but got bored and decided that maybe he could finish it later?
We should use Noah as our example. God was very pleased with Noah because he did what was right.
Building the Ark Bible Story Review Game - (Older Children)

Preparation: You will need a plastic toy hammer, golf tees, and a five-inch block of Styrofoam. Place one golf tee in the Styrofoam for each team.
Preparation: You will need a plastic toy hammer, golf tees, and a five-inch block of Styrofoam. Place one golf tee in the Styrofoam for each team.
If you don't want to buy these things you can use the nail patterns, brown construction paper cut into wood plank shapes, and a toy hammer.
Nail Patterns
Divide your children up into teams. When a team member answers a question correctly he gets to use a hammer to pound once on his team's golf tee (nail). The team that hammers the "nail" in first wins. If you are using the paper nail patterns, just move the nail down behind the construction paper wood planks a notch each time a child answers a question correctly. Give a toy hammer to the child who will be answering the question. When he is done, he will hand it to the next child who will attempt to answer a question.
Noah Obeys Questions:
1. Why was God sad? There were wicked and mean people in the world.
2. There was one man left in the whole world who loved God. What was his name? Noah.
3. How old was Noah when God told him to build the ark? 480 years old.
4. Why did God want Noah to build the ark? He was going to destroy the world and he wanted to save Noah and his family and the animals.
5. How long did it take Noah and his family to build the ark? A very, very long time.
6. When did God tell him to stop? When the ark was finished.
7. Did Noah obey God? Did he do exactly what God told him to do? Yes.
8. Give an example of a time you obeyed your parents and did exactly what they told you to do.
9. Give an example of a time you didn't do exactly what your parents told you to do.
10. Give an example of when you obeyed God.
11. Tell me about a time when it was hard to obey when you had something hard you had to do.
12. Where in the Bible is the story of Noah found? Genesis
If you don't want to use the nail pictures or the golf tees, you can use the craft stick picture in the opening activity. Each time a child answers a question correctly he glues a stick to the picture. The team that completes the picture first wins. If you don't have a lot of time, you can glue the jumbo and regular-sized sticks on before you start the activity. Or you can use just one picture and the team that glues on the last stick first wins.
Building the Ark Preschool Activity
What you will need:
Tool Belt Set, Measuring Tape, Levels, etc.
Box Cutter
Small Toy Animals and Toy People to Represent Noah and his Family
Hot Melt Glue Gun
Sharp Scissors
Sharpie Marker
Double-sided Tape
Paper and Child Scissors
How to Make the Ark:
1. Before class make a box ark. Use a large box for the main part of the ark. Cut a door in the front of the box that can be folded into a ramp.
2. Use a smaller box that will fit inside the larger box for the covered part of the ark. Fold a large piece of cardboard in half to make a roof. Cut windows in the roof with flaps that can be closed. (I cut the bottom off the flaps to make awnings.)
3. Cut pieces of cardboard in the shape of boards. Draw small circles on the sides of the boards to look like nails. Place double-sided tape on the back of the pieces.
4. If you have toy nuts and bolts, punch holes in the boards using a sharp pair of scissors and in the ark to match the holes in the boards. (I found a set of tools at Walmart for $7.00 that contained 5 nuts and bolts and 3 nails, a hammer, screwdriver, T-driver, wrenches, tool belt, pliers, and more. You can also bring in plastic measuring tapes, small levels, and other tools that would be safe for children to play with.
5. In class let your children bolt and hammer the boards onto the ark with the toy bolts and nails. When you run out of bolts and nails have them stick the boards with the double-sided tape onto the ark and then pretend to hammer them to the ark. While children are hammering and bolting, you can have some of them "collect food for the animals". Have them cut pieces of yellow paper into strips for hay and green paper into leaf shapes and other plant shapes. Provide small boxes or containers to store the "food" that they can place in the ark.
6. When the ark is finished have the children line up the toy animals and place them in the ark.
7. You can also have children paint a rainbow on a large sheet of paper to be placed behind the ark.
Noah Used a Hammer
Sing to the tune of "I Can Work with One Hammer"
Noah works with one hammer, one hammer,
one hammer, then he works with two.
Noah works with two hammers, two hammers,
two hammers, then he works with three.
(Keep singing in this manner until you get to five.)
Noah worked with five hammers, then he was all done.
(Sit down really fast!)
We do motions to the song similar to "Father Abraham".
One hammer - right hand, two hammers - left hand,
three and four hammers - feet, and five hammers
- head. Sent in by Lara
For this is Love
Written by Nancy Foss
Sing to the tune of " Seek ye First (the kingdom of God."
For this is love
Of God, that we keep
His commandments:
And his commandments
Are not grievous."
1 John 5:3
Mr. Noah Built an Ark
(Sing to the tune of Old MacDonald
Mr. Noah built an ark,
E-i-e-i-o (or Arky, arky-o)
And on his ark, he had two cows,
E-i-e-i-o (or Arky, arky-o)
Before you start this song give each child a stuffed animal or picture of an animal. When you get to the part in the song where you say an animal's name, touch a child on the head and have him raise his animal up high and name it if he can. Then have the whole class sing the name of the animal and make its sound. Sent in by Lara
To Obey
Written by Nancy Foss
Sing to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus".
The commandments are for us to obey
To obey,
To obey,
The commandments are for us to obey
1 John 5:3
I have enjoyed your website so much! I teach 4 & 5 yr. old children and it has given me great ideas to keep them actively learning about Jesus. I made a simple ark out of a large box and taped it up to a table, which is up against the wall. (We have the kidney-shaped tables.) I cut a small door for the children to crawl into and also climb up on the table from the half-moon cut of the table. I bought the set of inflated Zoo Animals (2 of ea.) in the set and I also had them wear the animal derby hats. They had a blast. Thanks again. Sue
One of the center activities we did was to have the children hammer in plastic golf tees into a covered square Styrofoam piece. We used playdough and animal cookie cutters to make two of each animal to go into the ark, which was a plastic tub. We made his family from a boy and girl cookie cutter. One week I showed them how to shape a piece of playdough to make a boat and we put a flat piece on top after making some tiny round pieces of play dough which represented Noah and his family and the animals. The children held the boat and rocked it back and forth when it rained in the story. The boat tossed and then landed on a mountain, their hand. To let the animals out the children took off the top of the boat. Then we acted out how Noah gave thanks to God for keeping them safe.
I like to use the same topic for several weeks so they sing the same songs, and hear the story in different ways, do different crafts, and play in the same centers with maybe one to two new ones. They can retain the main points better that way. I sure enjoy all the neat ideas! Keep them coming! Lara (Note: The Styrofoam activity has been added to this lesson.)
You always have such wonderful ideas! I did the lesson "Noah Obeys God" a couple of Sundays ago and it sure was fun. I was very pleased to see the link to the Answers in Genesis web page. A couple of years ago we were blessed to have a weeklong seminar with Ken Ham and Buddy Davis! WOW, OH WOW! It was great and we sure came away from it with so much useful information. We were able to do the ark with the craft sticks and also the ark that we had to cut the windows open. Instead of using magazine pictures I went and bought a cheap pack of animal stickers from Michael's and the boys and girls sure loved sticking the stickers. Thank you so much for the time that you put into this website. I love it and am at it a few times a week. Cindy Willford
I just started the Noah's Ark lessons and the kids seem like they are really going to enjoy this series of lessons.
They were really surprised to hear how old Noah was when God told him to build the ark. We did the picture of Noah and it was a lot of fun seeing how different each child colored the picture. Then we did the game with the toy blocks and I told them different instructions. They had fun pretending to be Noah. I even tried to make the directions a little bit harder and they still got them right. Thanks for all your hard work. And keep up the good work. Vicki
My preschool Sunday school class recently did the "Noah Obeys God" lesson. I bought some inexpensive plastic tools (hammers, screwdrivers, saws, etc.) from the Dollar Tree and handed each child one. When I mentioned a particular tool, the child holding the tool pounded or sawed "helping" Noah with building the ark. We had animal crackers and juice for a snack. Ella Price
Noah Bible Crafts and Lessons on Other Pages