Goodness and Mercy - Psalm 23:6
Psalm Twenty-three Sunday School Lesson
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Bible Reference:
Psalm 23:6
Printable Bible Verse Cards:
Print out the cards onto card stock, write the Bible verse on the cards and make copies.
Teaching Concept:
Children learn that when they follow the Good Shepherd they will enjoy a life of goodness and mercy.
Early Arrivals Activity
1. Psalm 23:6 Coloring Sheet and Craft

2. Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me Craft

Children make doily sheep and glue them to a Bible verse sheet. They can write the names of the sheep next to each doily sheet. Use this activity to help your children remember the Bible verse.
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© 2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
The Lesson
Preparation: You will need two other puppets for this lesson preferably sheep. If you don't have puppets, you can just use stuffed animals.
Woolie has Good Friends
Teacher: I have invited our special friend back today. Woolie where are you?
Sheep: (Woolie comes out followed by two other sheep puppets.)
Teacher: Woolie it is good to see you this morning. Did you bring some friends with you today?
Sheep: (Woolie shakes her head yes.)
Teacher: Oh, I know these little sheep. Children, I would like you to meet Woolie's friends, Goodness (pointing to Goodness) and Mercy (pointing to Mercy). Goodness is a very good friend. She always tells the truths, and is loving and kind. And Mercy, she is also a very good friend. Mercy is the kind of friend everyone would love to have. She will be your friend no matter what. Even if you do something that isn't very friendly, she will always forgive you, even if you don't deserve it. No matter how bad you treat her, she is always ready to forgive and forget.
Woolie, you are very lucky to have such good friends.
Sheep: (Woolie shakes her head yes. Woolie starts pacing back and forth followed by the other two sheep puppets.)
Teacher: Woolie, what are you doing? Goodness and Mercy seem to be following you every where you are going.
Sheep: (Woolie shakes her head yes -- still moving back and forth.)
Teacher: Woolie are you trying to tell us something about the Good Shepherd?
Sheep: (Woolie shakes her head yes.)
Teacher: Well, let's look at our Bible verse today. Maybe we can figure out what Woolie is trying to tell us. Who remembers what book of the Bible and chapter we are studying? Have a child come up and find the 23rd Psalm or try to open the Bible to the middle.
Today we are looking at the sixth and last verse of this wonderful Psalm that tells us a little bit about what God is like. We have learned that God is a lot like a Good Shepherd who cares for his sheep, who protects them, and gives them everything they need. Let's see what the last verse says, "Surely goodness and mercy . . ." (Open your Bible and read the verse.)
This verse is telling us that if we make God our Shepherd and follow him, goodness and mercy will follow us. God will guide and protect us and show us how to live a good life. He will show us mercy, or loving kindness, and forgiveness when we mess up. He will give us another chance. He will always love us no matter what.
Woolie, thank you for coming and telling us about the Good Shepherd. We are very glad you came. Bye, bye Woolie. We hope you can come back and visit us again soon.
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Father, we praise you and thank you for caring for us. Help us to always remember to follow you. And thank for your loving kindness and forgiveness when we take a wrong turn. We know that you will always be there for us when we return. Amen.
1. Play "Goodness and Mercy Will Follow Me" Relay Race

3. On the word go, the children at the beginning of the lines should place two of their footprints out in front of them in a row facing towards the other end of the room.
Have them place one foot on each footprint, and then place the third footprint in front of the first two and move their back foot onto the footprint in front. They then pick up the footprint behind them and place it in front moving their back foot onto the newly placed footprint.
They should keep walking like this until they get to the end of the room. When they get to the end of the room, they should pick up all three footprints, race back to the other end of the room and give the footprints to the next child in line.
The team that has all their players reach the other end of the room first wins.
If you have very little children, just give each child a set of footprints. Have them all line up in a row and demonstrate how to walk across the room with "Goodness" and "Mercy" following them.
2. Play "Guess the Name" Bible Verse Review Game

1. Set up ten sheep (Use stuffed animals or pictures.) in the front of your room.
Instant Download KJV Bible Lesson - - Includes everything on this page.
2. Place a name tag around the neck of each sheep using the Bible verse to name them. Name one "Surely", one "Goodness", one "And", one "Mercy", one "Shall", one "Follow" and one "Me". Make up some other names for the rest of the sheep. Turn the name tags around so the children can not see the names.
Write the verse on the board so all the children can see it. (It really doesn't matter if the children can read or not.) Read the verse to the children and have them repeat it to you several times.
Ask a child to come up and pick a sheep that he thinks might be named "Surely". Turn over the name tag of the sheep he has picked and read the name. If it is the right sheep, place it to the side. If it isn't the correct sheep, they next child should pick a sheep.
Next have the children look for the sheep named "Goodness" and keep going until all the sheep have been placed in order to spell out the verse.
(Note: If you have very young children, you can just look for "Goodness" and "Mercy". Just place a bunch of sheep in the front of the room (or pictures of sheep) and have the children take turns picking a sheep to see if it is "Goodness" or "Mercy".
3. Play a Cube Bible Verse Review Game

In class have your children sit in a circle and take turns throwing the cube into the center of the circle. The children should say the verse corresponding to the picture on the cube.
Give them a small treat like Teddy Grahams each time they say the verse. If they don't know the verse, tell them the verse and have them repeat it, and then give them a snack.
© 2004, Digital by Design, Inc. - See Copyright Information
Here's a snack idea - A cute sheep can be made with a donut hole body, pretzel stick legs, and mini-marshmallow head attached with a broken pretzel stick. Sent in by Dian, Missoula, MT.
More Psalm 23 Sunday School Lessons
This is the sixth lesson in the series of lessons on the 23rd Psalm. Follow the links below to find out about the rest of the lessons in this series:
Psalm 23:1 - "I Shall Not Want" Sheep Picture
Psalm 23:2 - "He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures"
Psalm 23:3 - "He Leads Me" Sunday Day School Lesson
Psalm 23:4 - "I Will Fear No Evil" Bible Lesson for Kids
Psalm 23:5 - "I am Special" Bible Lesson
Psalm 23:6 - "Goodness and Mercy" Lesson
Copyright © 2004 Digital by Design
Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities
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Copyright Notice - While many of the crafts on this site are free, they are still copyrighted. They are for personal use only. They may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, except for local church, school, or home use only. The copyright notice must be included on all copies. To request permission to copy this material for any other use contact me by e-mail.
We would love to hear your comments about this lesson. If you taught this lesson, we would love to hear how it went, if you changed anything, added anything, what age you taught and was it appropriate. Any comments that would help others teach this lesson are welcome.