Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities

Crafts and Activities for Children


Bible lessons and Children's Sermons with Bible Crafts and Bible games. Interactive Bible crafts and games for Sunday School, Children's ministry, or children's church. Quick and easy religious crafts for Kids, preschool, library programs, home school teachers, and special occasions.



Easter, Calvary Card and 3D Display Craft

Easter Card Craft, Calvary Cross Scene Bible Craft for Children's Ministry

Prepare to celebrate the inspiring story of Christ's resurrection with this enchanting 3D display and card craft designed for children's ministry. This engaging project, created with just cardstock and colored pencils, not only makes it budget-friendly but also provides a memorable hands-on experience for kids. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to bring the resurrection story to life! Go to the Easter Crafts Page 6 for more information on this Bible craft.


No Tacks, No Pins Pinwheel Craft

No Tacks, No Pins Pinwheel Craft

Get ready for an exciting pinwheel craft and toy project that children will absolutely love! Once they finish making their pinwheels, they’ll be thrilled to blow gently on the front and watch them spin in delight. This engaging activity is perfect for younger children since it doesn’t involve any tacks or pins. However, please keep in mind that this craft isn’t suitable for toddlers because of the small straw parts involved. Join in on the fun and create lasting memories with this delightful project!


Narrow Gate - Matthew 7:13 Bible Activity Sheets

Matthew 7:13 Activity Sheets for Younger and Older Children in both KJV and NIV - Children color the pictures and then glue gates to the image. Go to the Narrow Gate Bible Crafts and Activities Page for more information.


VBS 2025 Crafts and Activity Suggestions for Magnify Theme

"Magnify His Name" Folding Craft Stick Craft - Children color the patterns for the back and front of this craft. Psalm 34:3 Bible verse is on the back pattern available in KJV, NIV, and CSB. When finished the sticks fold up into a neat stack of sticks.

Ball-in-the-Hole Bible Game and Bible Verse Review Craft and Activity for Vacation Bible School. Children will love creating their own unique designs for the middle of the flowers.

Discoving God's Amazing World Journal - Children work on a search and find page, observe small objects with a magnifying glass, and then draw what they see in their journals.

Find ideas for the New 2025, Vacation Bible School, VBS, Programs on the Vacation Bible School Page.


Easy Winter Snowman Hot Chocolate Mix Cup Craft

Create these adorable hot chocolate cup crafts for the winter season! They are perfect for your Sunday School class to teach the spirit of giving. Encourage your children to share them with neighbors, those in homeless shelters, or older individuals in retirement homes. For more information and links to printable patterns, click here.



Jonah Learns About Compassion Bible Lesson crafts and Learning activities

Jonah Learns about Compassion Bible Activity Sheet and More - Bible crafts and games for the Bible Lesson about Jonah learning about compassion through a worm that eats the plant that was shading him.


Woman at the Well Coloring and Activity Sheet

Woman at the Well Coloring and Activity Sheet - Children color the picture and write om their own words what they think Jesus and the woman at the well said to each other.


Plagues of Egypt Printable Board Game for Children's Ministry

Plagues of Egypt Printable Playing Cards for Children's Ministry

Step into the Moses Bible story with these captivating board and card games designed to help children discover and learn about the Plagues of Egypt. These interactive and educational games are available for purchase on The Resource Room or as instant digital downloads. For more information go to The Plagues of Egypt Page.


Get Well Card Craft

Teach children to be more sympathetic with this adorable get well card. Children color the picture and then glue the pages to a piece of folded cardstock. They can write their own message on the card or use the card with words.The pattern is available in color and black and white. See the Job Bible Crafts page for directions and printable patterns.


Job's Second Test Bible Lesson

In this thought-provoking and interactive Sunday school lesson, students dive into the story of Job, exploring how he maintained his faith despite enduring the loss of his entire family and suffering from various afflictions. The lesson includes a creative Get Well Card craft activity, a Job-themed coloring sheet, an engaging activity sheet, and a stimulating Rebus Bible verse review game to reinforce the key teachings. See the Job's Second Test Bible Lesson Page for more information.


Books of the Bible Printable Activity Sheet

Capture the attention of your Sunday school students with this one-page printable sheet designed to help them learn the books of the Bible. Each book is accompanied by a brief description and memorable pictures. Utilize the black & white sheet and encourage children to color the names of the books with highlighter markers as they master each one. Let's make learning the books of the Bible fun and engaging! See the Books of the Bible Page for more inforation about these downloads.


Fishers of Men Fish Bible Craft

Fishers of Men Bible Craft and Learning Activity

This delightful paper fish craft includes a Bible verse from Matthew 4:19 about being a fisher of men, as well as a space for students to write the name of a person they are praying for and want to tell them about Jesus. You can find more information and activities related to this topic on the Fishers of Men Bible Craft Page.


Frog Catching a Fly Printable Paper Craft for Children

Children attach the body parts with brass brads, and then attach the frog to a background page so that the frog can be moved up and down to make it look like it is leaping to catching a fly. Go to Frog Crafts Page 3 for more infomation.


Esther and King Xerxes Standup Bible Craft

Esther and King Xerxes Standup Bible Craft

Each pattern is rolled into a tube shape so that the figure stands up. There are two different patterns for each character. On one pattern, the arms can be moved, and on the other, they are attached. Use a drinking straw for King Xerxes' staff. Each pattern includes a Bible verse in either the KJV or NIV with the conversation between Queen Esther and King Xerxes. For more information and printable patterns, go to the Queen Esther Bible Crafts Page 2.



Cookie Baking Bible Lesson Prop and Review Game



Seeds of Faith Bible Lesson

This lesson can be introduced with a puppet skit or play. It includes printable seed packets that encourage Bible verse memorization, Bible verse activity sheets, seed games, and much more. Go to the Seeds of Faith Bible Lesson Page for more information.


Firefly or Lightning Bug Crafts and Activities

Children will love these four new firefly or lightning bug crafts including a firefly paper bag puppet, a firefly with moveable wings craft, a glowing firefly craft, and a "You Were Meant to Shine!" firefly coloring and activity sheet. To access these crafts go to the Firefly or Lightning Bug Crafts Page 2.

"Collect the Snowflake" Review Game

Winter Activity - Collect the Snowflakes Review Game for homeschools

Use this printable board game to review any subject. Create your questions or tasks relating to your subject matter to review your lesson. Students try to win by being the first player to collect ten snowflake cards by answering questions correctly. Go to Winter Crafts Page 3 for more information.


Beautiful Feet Bible Crafts for Isaiah 52:7

Beautiful Feet Pompom Bible Craft for Children's Ministry

Beautiful Feet Coloring Sheet for Isaiah 52:7

See The Creation Feet Bible Crafts Page for the Beautiful Feet Pompom Person Display and the Beautful Feet Bible Verse Coloring Sheet


The Greedy Farmer or Rich Fool Bible Lesson for Children

The Greedy Farmer Bible Lesson for children from Luke 12

Children learn about greed from the story of the rich fool or greedy farmer on The Greedy Farmer lesson Page.


The Parable of the Rich Fool Bible Lesson

The Parable of the Rich Fool Bible Lesson

In this lesson children learn how to turn greed into gratitude through the story of the rich farmer from Luke 12:13-34 including Bible crafts and activities for children of all ages, fun games, and interactive Bible stick puppets. See The Parable of the Rich Bible Lesson.


"A Time for Everything" Printable Book

Printable Book for Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 - For Every Season there is a Season

Children will enjoy having a mini book of their very own to review Ecclesiastes 3:1-4. Pictures help them memorize the first four verses of this chapter. You can also use the pictures without the words as flash cards to help your children review the Bible verse.See the Martha and Mary Sunday School Crafts and Activity Page.


"A Time for Everything" Printable Book

A Time for Every Thing Bible Verse Activity Sheet

Students match the pictures to the Bible verse pharses by writing the number on each picture next to the corresponding words. This activity sheet and other activities for Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 is available on the Mary and Martha Bible Crafts and Activities Page.



Fruit of the Spirit Fill-in-the-blank Activity Sheet

Fruit of the Spirit Fill-in-the-blank Activity Sheet for Children's Ministry

Children discover the nine fruit of the spirit by looking up related Bible verses and filling in the blanks. This sheet includes both NLT and one NIV Bible verse. See the Fruit of the Spirit Activity Sheet page.


Beatitudes Messenger Bee Bible Craft

Beatitudes Messenger Bee Bible Craft for Children's Ministry

This little messenger bee holds a coloring sheet with the Beatitudes on it in both KJV or NIV. Children color the bee pattern, roll it up, and place in inside the bee. Go to the The Beatitudes - Blessed are the Peacemakers Bible Lesson.


Good Samaritan Puppets and Stage Background


Good Samaritan Puppets and Stage Background

Use these puppets and background to present your Good Samaritan Bible lesson, or have your students use them to review the lesson by creating a puppet skit. Go to the "God Made Me Helping Hands" Bible Lesson Page for more information.


Abigail Keeps the Peace Bible Lesson or Children's Sermon for Children's Ministry

Abigail Keeps the Peace Bible Lesson for Children about David, Nabal and Abigail

"Abigail Keeps the Peace" Bible Lesson for Children about David, Nabal, and Abigail including interactive Bible lesson, Bible Review Games, and Bible Verse Review Activity and Coloring Sheets.


Firefly Faith Bible Study, Children's Sermon with Bible Activities and Crafts

Firefly Faith Bible Study, Children's Sermon with Bible Activities and Crafts for Kids

Firefly Faith Bible Lesson - God gave fireflies the ability to produce light called bioluminescence. We also produce light when Jesus lives in us. Jesus takes away the darkness in our hearts and replaces it with love and light. That light grows brighter the more our faith grows. The more we study God's word, pray, and follow Jesus' example, the more people will recognize Jesus working through us. Soon we have a living light that isn't easily extinguished or turns on and off when our circumstances change.


Cheap and Easy Bible Crafts and Activities for Your Children!



Armor of God Activities for Children's Ministry

Armor of God Activities Sheet for Children, cut and paste activity sheets, coloring sheets, armor pieces in both black and white and color, and label the armor pieces. See the Armor of God Crafts and Activities Page 1.


New Bible Crafts for Your Children's Ministry and Sunday School

Transform your Bible class with this fun, interactive Sunday school curriculum (KJV and NIV) and crafts for elementary and preschool children. All the crafts relate to the Bible story, so your children remember the Bible concepts and verses. You can be that fantastic Bible teacher that all students wish they had by using this fun interactive Sunday school curriculum. Your children are guaranteed to remember the lessons from week to week. Help them memorize Bible verses in fun, interactive crazy ways. You will be amazed at what they can learn! Each lesson contains crazy, fun games, several craft options that relate to the story, and Bible lessons that involve your students in the learning process, which helps keep their attention and retain more of the concepts. All this for only $23.95 for an entire year! And we add new material regularly. All this for only $23.95 for an entire year! And we add new material weekly.

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